Hi Families and Staff, Make sure students bring their running shows for tomorrow’s FUN RUN, September 29th. Please consider joining us by volunteering for one of the following shifts. The students will be running at these times We really need volunteers, who have completed the Beaverton district volunteer sign-up process, to help this event run…
McKinley Fun Run: Volunteers NEEDED
Hi Families and Staff, We are excited to welcome everyone back to participate in the McKinley Fun Run this year on Friday, September 29th! Please consider joining us by volunteering for one of the following shifts. The students will be running at these times We really need volunteers, who have completed the Beaverton district volunteer sign-up…

Family Night Out at Society Pie
Who: McKinley Families What: Family Night Out When: September 18th, 2023 (all day) Where: Society Pie1888 NE 106th AveHillsboro, OR 97006 503-372-5775societypie.com Why: Enjoy a meal while supporting McKinley (15% of the day’s sales will be donated to McKinley PTM)
PTM Take Home: Mid-September Highlights
Hi Families and Staff, We hope you all are feeling as energized as we are about this school year! Here are a few McKinley highlights for you this week from the PTM. Family Nights Out The PTM partners with restaurants to donate money to McKinley on specific nights. The way…