Friday, October 18th, 2024
The Fun Run is our main fundraising event for the year. We fundraise to enrich student experiences and education at McKinley by supporting programs, events and services not covered by the school budget including but not limited to Fall Festival, Staff Appreciation Week, Field Day, the Art Literacy Program and field trips. Most of these programs and projects would not be possible without these efforts to raise additional funds. The more we make, the more we can do! Our goal this year is to raise $30,000 and get 100% participation from our students!
All students, K- 5, earn money for our school by collecting donations (flat donation or per lap) for their participation in the Fun Run. Students will practice and train during PE prior to the Fun Run. On Friday, October 18th, students in each grade will run for 20 minutes and we will record the number of laps completed on our track. Our track is approximately 1/5 mile in length. If you choose to pledge per lap, kids run on average 7-12 laps.
- Encourage your students to collect pledges from friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers, either online through Pledgestar or using the envelope sent home with each student.
- Check with your employer to see if they match employee donations.
- Volunteer for the event – it is a fun day of fresh air and community building!
- If you’re already cleared to volunteer, sign up for Fun Run volunteering through Parent Square.
- If you’d like to sign up to volunteer, go here to learn how to apply. *PLEASE NOTE*: You must be cleared in advance to volunteer prior to the Fun Run. The volunteer background check through Beaverton School District can take several weeks- sign up today!
- October 4 – Fun Run Kick-off assembly
- October 18 – Fun Run
- November 1 – All donations due (cash/ check/ online)
- Week of November 4- Prize Announcements
On the day of the Fun Run, all students will receive a free Fun Run T-shirt (shown above)- designed by one of our own 5th graders. This year’s shirt was designed by Chelsea! Congrats!
All School Prizes
As donations come in and we reach each goal, the entire school will earn a prize!
$15,000: Morning announcements in a helium voice
$20,000: School spirit day
$25,000: Classroom snack from the PTM
$30,000: Silly string teachers/staff
$30,500: React-o Blast OMSI Visit
Grade Level Prize
The first grade to get 80% participation gets an extra recess!
Class Level Prize
The first class to get 80% participation (online sign ups or turned in envelopes) gets their classroom turned into a fancy restaurant for one lunch!
Individual Prizes
For every $25 raised, students receive an entry for a chance to win prizes such as:
- 4 Tickets to Hopscotch
- Top Golf Gift Card
- Class Party
- Coupons & Gift Cards from: Burgerville, Menchie’s…
- And more…
Top lap runners in each grade will earn a medal.
Raise $200 per family and get an invite to our popsicle party
Top fundraiser- earn a treat with friend and principals!
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the Fun Run, please email [email protected].